Thursday 29 May 2008


Learning Log
Today in uoi we did groupings like yesterday. We also read the Changing Shores and we analyze with Mr.Perico and our classmate.
In English we type our persuasive essay about our
Own topic. Actually we did Bahasa first than Uoi because our teacher went to see the changing land with the other class.
In math we did a assessment about angles and Budiman also Ari are the checkers for the assessment because they finished their work earlier. I got some of the question correct but most of it is wrong but it is fine because I tried hard at the work.


Fieldtrip to Batu Besar

The profile I demonstrated is to look details about the Shorelines and to investigate why do Shorelines were created. I need to develop the profile of knowledgeable because my drawing didn’t match that is why I need to knowledgeable because I need to understand the drawing well. This is how it looks like to be an inquirer and knowledgeable in a fieldtrip. We need to be an inquirer because it is important. We need to be a knowledgeable because it is important to see details in Shorelines.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Sunny Day ...........

Dear Diary Today in UOI we had grouping because Mr.Perico told us to draw a diagram in a piece of paper we discuss about Changing Shores we had the booklet and now its time for drawing and we discuss a lot.
Now lets go to reading time we were reading the Stone Fox booklet it was very sad that Searchlight was dead and it is very sad but I like that book very much because it is very fun in this book theres fun and theres sad so I like it.Have fun reading!!!!!.

See you on Friday bye ............!!!!!

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Dear Diary

Dear Diary Kitty............... Today in Math I learned how to use points, lines, line segments, angels because our topic is Geometry we had. Top ten then we went to the tutorials I learned all geometry planes, ray, points etc.

Wednesday 19 March 2008


Hi, there Chelsie,
Today in UNIT OF INQUIRY we did lots of thing like borrowing books for Holiday this week because of Christen Day and we need to have Holiday thats why tomorrow we have holiday I borrowed 3 books in the class library we had checking in English .

Monday 17 March 2008

Today I learnt about doing homework and interview parents in home. Today we also doing our writing to persuade in school. I like the homework because its good.

Sunday 16 March 2008

Yesterday I went to the school to my lesson and I went Home with Angela And Angela Played with me then we went for swimming but Irene, Cassandra didn't come I call Irene but she was not Home so we went for swimming and they didn't come exact for Hazell she rang as and tell that she was not going for swimming and I understand so I agree at Hazell and we just swim at South link with Angela but I just swim with Angela and Safira and Belivia so we play together and swim and we have fun together in the pool/swimming pool.

Today I wake up in the morning and watch television and eat for breakfast and then play/chat with friends together than I watch television than I rest for a while and played in outside.