Sunday 10 February 2008

Diary Online

Dear Diary ............. Today we in my holiday i went to buy some of beeds in the shops I make some bangels to sell and all my workers liked it so i make lots of it. It's fun because i didn not go anyware and that is a sad day ever I always goto my dads office than launch than come back to office and go home and i got flu so i drink medicine but it seems to be more better to be not sick then being sick. All we did is in home all the time never go to any place it's only home ad home all the time.It's bad because CHINESE NEW YEAR makes the shop closed so we don't make it to JAKARTA it's bad to have a holiday if we don't go anyware right? we love holidays but not if we don't go anyware because it is sad but i like it because i got some ampow from CHINESE NEW YEAR and sorry I don't do my blogger but i try my best.


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